Video Blog

Become successful online & create fulfilling abundance through your Soul's Purpose💫
Instagram Stories Selling Strategy

I'm doing Instagram Makeover course updates at the moment and wanted to share a snippet from my Stories lesson I just recorded today as...

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A Positive Take On The Big Instagram Changes

Wow! Imagine my surprise when yesterday Instagram changed our grids from square to rectangle...

AND THEN TODAY announced a whole host of...

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7 Ways to Move your Business Forward

Someone recently asked me if I could do a video about ways to get your business unstuck...

So here it is!

If that's you and you need a...

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Sending Love to All of our Younger Selves

Just found this video from 4 years ago and had to share...

It's amazing how much each and every one of us goes through in life when we...

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Find & Live your Purpose

Excuse the robe my darlings! This morning, before I was dressed I was feeling so emotional about the fact that we can ALL find and live...

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7 Ways to Bring in More Success Energy for 2025

I love new year, it’s a special time. Of course we can make changes any time of the year.

However, it feels to me like there is...

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Honouring Our Efforts in 2024

This video is a little sneak peak snippet from my Live Prosperity Process Community Gathering last night on Zoom...

I was talking about...

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A good time to get out there

If things are a little quiet for you right now sales wise, then the best thing you can do is to get ready for Q5.

This time of year can...

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What's Your Contribution to the World?

If you, like me, have a yearning to do something positive for the world, I believe you have a destiny to fulfill.

This feeling that you...

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The Number 1 Secret to Great Content

Passion is so important if you want to get the soul of your business to get noticed out there online…

Watch this 1 minute mindview...

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Rant Incoming

I was shocked when one of my students told me about what was in an email they received!

It seems that manipulative marketing is at an all...

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Every Step Adds Up

Nothing you are doing right now is a waste of time.

Just know that EVERYTHING you are doing really matters. It's all part of the big...

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Don't Let an Algorithm Dictate your Happiness

 Here's what to do to avoid being emotionally effected when you post on social media and it doesn't do as well as you thought it...

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Feeling left behind? This is for you

I recently shared about how I only just started my current business when I was 47 and I recieved a lot of messages from people, even in...

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Promotional Instagram Stories Tutorial

I thought it was time for an Instagram Story design geek tutorial!

Don't be afraid to let people know about the fabulous products &...

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Is it too Late?

Is it too late for you to start a business…

…in your 40's, 50’s 60’s 70’s? Someone recently asked me...


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Content Experiment Part 1

This is for you if you feel like you’ve lost your way on Instagram or you are not growing like you want to…

This is your 30...

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Content Experiment Part 2

Let’s leave the content "shoulds" behind…

What if, instead, you spent 30 days trusting yourself and creating the content...

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The Algorithm Demands Clarity

Assist the algorithm by making sure that your brand has a clear message.

The alorithm wants to match you up with people that like what...

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Increase your Followers

Watch this video to see how a clear brand message will be your secret to attracting the right followers.

T H E N super importantly, it...

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Trust Yourself Online

 Did you ever feel scared to step out online?

All the experiences you have had in your life have led you to this point.

You have a...

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Fear of Doing Video?

I know it can be terrifying to think about getting on camera but video is such a great way to share your message with the world... Here's...

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The Magic of Commitment

Are you 100% committed to your success? Or only 90%? I've been thinking about the difference between the two...

This video is all...

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Belief is Fuel for your Success

It’s a feeling deep down...

Something in your core has led you to start your own business.This is not a random event. You are here...

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