Actionable strategies to create a soul aligned brand that makes an impact and magnetises your business

Your Ripple Effect

Who will you connect with today when you post something? You never know who you could positively impact by something you post on...

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Photos Of You Are Key

Don't hide away! If you're a bit camera shy it's easy to never put pics of you in your feed.

It's sometimes scary to put yourself out...

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The Deeper Reason For Your Biz

There are so many benefits to persevering as entrepreneurs on a mission to share some of our gifts & talents with the world.


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10 Ways to get your Instagram Mojo Back

When you're feeling flat, fed up & deflated... ‍ You're afraid to hit "post"... Doubt creeps in... Are...

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3 Real Reasons People Buy from You

There is always a deeper reason that people buy your products & services. Understanding what motivates people to buy from you will...

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Photos, Carousels or Reels, what's Best?

Someone asked me, "Is it OK to post photos on Instagram?" Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut?Doing things because you...

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Why I Snooze "Suggested" Posts

Oh my goodness, I don't know why I didn't do this before. Instagram's "suggested" posts were really driving me crazy until I figured...

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Visual Brand Alignment
This brand strategy for entrepreneurs will help you stay true to the soul of the brand you are building... Find out:
  • Why your brand is...
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Breathe, relax & just be you...

Did you ever feel like other people have it all figured out and if you could just be a bit more like them, your business would be much...

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Instagram Forecasts & Predictions

After attending the Meta Marketing Online Summit, I wanted to share my 4 key takeaways for the way Instagram is going this...

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Instagram strategies

 It's crazy to think that 2023 is just around the corner... I feel like people are going to be more careful with their money...

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Instagram Marketing Zones

There are so many exciting marketing opportunities on Instagram, are you making the most of them? Create deeper connections with...

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The importance of varying your content

Amazingly, I have been doing a LIVE Q&A coaching session for the Instagram Makeover every week for 5 years now!! It is...

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Reels type tutorial

Watch me step by step as I create some scroll stopping type for you to use in your Reels and Stories... Follow along with me as I'm...

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What will differentiate brands in 2023?

As we are getting into the last 2 months of the year, I can't help but think about how things are changing in marketing right...

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Trust yourself

Someone asked me if it's better to appeal to everyone or is it better to be more individual? Will this hurt our sales because we might...

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Magnetic branding tip

Branding is so much more than colours, logo and fonts... Successful brands tell a story and express themselves consistently in...

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What are brand appropriate Reels?

There was a time, that I found myself going off track with my Reels... I got swept up in what I thought I was "meant" to do, oh wow it is...

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Every step counts
I didn't get over my fear of video until age 45
I didn't think I could write until age 44
At 16 I was too shy to even sing...
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Reels confusion?

Shish kebab! Have you noticed that it seems to be easier to go off track with Reels than with any other kind of content...

It's super...

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Why your brand needs your face

Are you feeling scared of "putting yourself out there"? Totally understandable my lovely! I used to feel exactly the same way...


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The power of your own business

There's something so powerful about starting your own business. It's certainly not for everyone that's for sure...

I remember being...

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Change the channel

This mindset tip is for you if you are feeling anxious or stressed or down about something.

I'm sure you know how it feels when you have...

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Create content without overwhelm

Are you the same as me? Are you the one single-handedly making all your content and running your business at the same time?

Sometimes I...

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