Video Blog

Become successful online & create fulfilling abundance through your Soul's Purpose💫
5 Ideas to Make your Brand Look More Professional

With only 3 seconds to make a first impression online, it’s vital to be giving all the right signals to anyone that sees your...

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The Joy of Email Inbox Zero

Oh my goodness this productivity tip completely changed my life… I love it so much. Sounds a bit dramatic, but when you’re...

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What to do about Slow Business Growth

“How can I stay positive when my business is growing slowly” she asked me…

It’s a great question because success...

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Are your Work Choices being Judged by Others?

I’ve never been someone that would fit into a conventional box.

I bet you don’t either…

Are you the one that does...

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How to be Seen as an Expert in your Niche

One day it hits you… “I know, I’m going to start my own business!” There’s something inside, a passion you...

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How to Make Hands Free Reels & Stories

Sometimes it’s really handy to have your hands free when you are making a Reel or a Story…

You might be wanting to hold and...

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7 Mindset Shifts To Power Up Your Business

I remember being so full of doubts & determination when I first began my business...

Stepping out fearlessly to grow a business is a...

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Are You Too Old for Instagram?

Is Instagram just for teenagers and influencers?

Sometimes people ask me if they are too old & do you need to be shiny and "perfect"...

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The Power Of Voice Messages

Ooooo I love this feature!

This is one of my favourite Instagram features because not only does it save precious time...

It also connects...

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Stay In Your Genius Zone

It's time to sparkle and show your brilliance!

What is the thing that makes you unique?

What is the thing that only you can do how you...

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Are You On Your Soul's True Path?

I worked in London as a designer of the big brands for many years...

I always felt like something was wrong because there I was making...

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Marketing Without Manipulation

I think I started my ‍ online business because I was searching for freedom in some way.

But what kind of freedom was I looking for?

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Instagram - The Key To Your Success

Your online presence is your doorway to the world. It's how your customers find you...

Do you find yourself thinking things like:

  • ...
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Your Ripple Effect

Who will you connect with today when you post something? You never know who you could positively impact by something you post on...

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Photos Of You Are Key

Don't hide away! If you're a bit camera shy it's easy to never put pics of you in your feed.

It's sometimes scary to put yourself out...

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The Deeper Reason For Your Biz

There are so many benefits to persevering as entrepreneurs on a mission to share some of our gifts & talents with the world.


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10 Ways to get your Instagram Mojo Back

When you're feeling flat, fed up & deflated... ‍ You're afraid to hit "post"... Doubt creeps in... Are...

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3 Real Reasons People Buy from You

There is always a deeper reason that people buy your products & services. Understanding what motivates people to buy from you will...

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Photos, Carousels or Reels, what's Best?

Someone asked me, "Is it OK to post photos on Instagram?" Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut?Doing things because you...

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Why I Snooze "Suggested" Posts

Oh my goodness, I don't know why I didn't do this before. Instagram's "suggested" posts were really driving me crazy until I figured...

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Visual Brand Alignment
This brand strategy for entrepreneurs will help you stay true to the soul of the brand you are building... Find out:
  • Why your brand is...
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Breathe, relax & just be you...

Did you ever feel like other people have it all figured out and if you could just be a bit more like them, your business would be much...

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Instagram Forecasts & Predictions

After attending the Meta Marketing Online Summit, I wanted to share my 4 key takeaways for the way Instagram is going this...

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Instagram strategies

 It's crazy to think that 2023 is just around the corner... I feel like people are going to be more careful with their money...

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