Actionable strategies to create a soul aligned brand that makes an impact and magnetises your business

3D Type In Stories

This is a super cool design geek type trick I learned in London when I used to work on a lot of big packaging brands. It's a fab way to...

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How To Make Instagram Profitable

There's no point having an Instagram account just for the sake of it, ooooo no! We want that precious time and energy you are spending...

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How To Reply To Comments

It's super important to get that engagement going on your account. A big part of that is replying to all the lovely comments that people...

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Create Deeper Connections

Instagram is all about forming real connections with real people. Yes! It' all about relationship building. That's when you start to get...

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Help, I have Too many talents!

I know that lots of you are super amazing and multi-talented. Of course you are! That goes without saying... When we are creative...

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How To make Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels just came out... They are short videos, between 15 and 60 seconds long… There are endless possibilities of...

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Am I Too Old For Instagram?

Last night Kathleen asked me this question… “Am I too old for Instagram?” Heck no! Of course not! 70 is the new 30! I...

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Cool hanging Type

Create letters that look like they are hanging from strings at the top of your Instagram Stories. You can use this effect to announce new...

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How To make Moving Type

This 2 minute masterclass will show you how to make a piece of type move around and “stick” to an object inside instagram...

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Double Your Engagement

Shish Kebab! I was totally shocked too!! I decided to give something new a try and it immediately had SUCH a big impact on my Instagram...

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Stories Swirl Hack

Watch this 3 Minute Masterclass and learn how to create super cool Instagram Stories like this.... And the best thing is it's really...

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People Not Prospects

Oh I get super mad and crazy when I hear... marketing “experts” and “gurus” out there referring to their...

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Humans Are Like Crows

We all love pretty shiny things that is just the way we are wired.
When we see beautiful things it literally makes us happy and full of...

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Power Up Your Captions

This will save you sooo much time :) !!! Let’s face it, there is nothing worse than sitting down with a cup of tea to write your...

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Marketing Without Manipulation

Do you ever cringe at the thought of marketing and sales? Oh my goodness I totally used to! When I first started my business, I...

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For The Perfectionists

Use this 3 step process if you are stuck and paralyzed with perfectionism and unable to move forward with your business or your...

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How To Avoid Comparisonitis!

Do you ever feel "less than" or anxious when you look at what others are doing? Here's what to do about it so you can come back to your...

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Design Geek Type Tip

You might not know this tip for creating cool words in different colours in Instagram Stories... It's a good way to get people to pay...

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The Truth Is…

Can I be real with you for a  moment. Mindset tips for success.

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Rainbow Type In Stories

How to make cool graduated type in Insta Stories... Yes! You don't have to stick to just one colour for your type. Did you know you...

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How I Create A Ton Of Content

How to easily create Instagram content that your followers will LOVE so you can grow your account with the right people...

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#1 Productivity Hack

The number one thing to do while you are working so you can get LOADS done and achieve your goals! I noticed a big difference when I...

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