8 Ways to Look Less Awkward in Photos

I used to absolutely 😩 dread taking photos of myself… As soon as the camera was pointed my way I would feel super awkward and self conscious!

It really isn’t a nice feeling when you are shy and not feeling confident with how to pose or what to do…

And, to top it off, one day you realise that part of having an online business is to show up and put your face in your brand… Eek!

📸 Maybe you are not camera shy but you still don’t really know how to pose or what to do with your hands.

I have learned a few tricks that really help me to get over my fear and to actually enjoy taking photos of myself…

I’m going to break it down and make it super simple for you to take some great selfies to use for Reels covers, posts, Stories, what ever you like!Remember people really want to get to know you so this is a vital skill to learn.

OK so in this post I’m demonstrating my 8 ways to feel less awkward in photos:

Remember these tips!

These are the things that work for me after 6 years of experimenting with what I can easily do to feel less awkward in photos…

If I can do it you can do it too!!

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