Strong Face Filters Are Hurting Your Brand

Let’s show the world that it’s OK and perfectly wonderful to have lines, wrinkles or “imperfections”! As a 52 year old do I need to erase the signs in my face that I am a human who has been through ups, downs and many life lessons?

I am a woman that has had children, a miscarriage, lost my mum, moved continents, found my soul mate at 47, loves to get outside and grow vegetables, has moved around to different cities all my life and finally settled where I want to be etc. etc.

We all go through so many challenges and wonderful days too…

My face is a reflection of all that I have been through…

As we age, we hopefully grow more into who we truly are and this is our life.

Let’s be proud to show the world who we are today in this moment.

Why should we let society tell us that our faces are not ok as they are?

Let’s start a trend of showing the world that we are proud of who we have become…

You are completely beautiful and compelling as you are right now…

Beauty comes from within.

Shine brightly with confidence and you will surely attract the right people to you…

Who’s with me? ✌🏼🙋🏻‍♀️

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